How to take care of a Newborn in Cold weather?

New parents might get a bit stir-crazy with their little ones during the cold weather months. But it’s important to safely step outside when you can. Even so, new parents must follow safety procedures. Once the temperature gets to freezing, you shouldn’t take a very young baby out for a long period of time, and if you do –do carry baby refreshing wipes to be on the safe side. Infants lose heat faster than adults, and the younger their age, the less able they are to cope with cold. Also, adding to it is the underdeveloped immune system. All you want to do during the winter season is stay cozy by keeping yourself warm inside the house, and if you’re a new mother, you will want to keep your newborn safe from the harsh cold waves outside. Here are a few expert ways to keep your baby warm and safe this winter Ø Keep the Indoor temperature right Mostly, new parents are worried about the baby be...