How to take care of a Newborn in Cold weather?
New parents might get a bit stir-crazy with their little ones during the cold weather months. But it’s important to safely step outside when you can. Even so, new parents must follow safety procedures. Once the temperature gets to freezing, you shouldn’t take a very young baby out for a long period of time, and if you do –do carry baby refreshing wipes to be on the safe side.
lose heat faster than adults, and the younger their age, the less able they are
to cope with cold. Also, adding to it is the underdeveloped immune system. All
you want to do during the winter season is stay cozy by keeping yourself warm
inside the house, and if you’re a new mother, you will want to keep your
newborn safe from the harsh cold waves outside.
Here are a few expert ways to keep your baby warm and safe this winter
Ø Keep the Indoor temperature
new parents are worried about the baby being too cold, but too much indoor heat
can also be a problem. “Indoor heating has low humidity, and it’s that lack of
moisture in the air than can dry your baby’s delicate skin”. To avoid that keep
the indoor temperature mild to cold during the day. However, during the night
set the thermostat to a slightly warm temperature for a sound sleep. Dress the
baby in a sleeper and wearable blanket –to keep the baby warm.
Ø Breastfeeding is best
Mother milk is a rich source of iron and can help in strengthening the bones and muscles of the body. A mother's touch and warmth is the best thing to keep a child away from any infection and illnesses. Mothers' milk ensures that the baby gets all of the nutrients required to stay healthy.
Ø Prevent dry skin
temperature, the lack of humidity, and recirculated air can all contribute to
dry, itchy, scaly skin. Ironically water can dry out the skin and most babies
don’t need to be washed daily in the winter anyway. It is advised to use newborn
babies' refreshing wipes, to avoid dryness or in case your baby’s skin
turns red or irritated.
Ø Massage your baby thoroughly
Massaging your baby with lukewarm oil can help keep the baby cozy and warm during the day. Massage oil can enhance blood circulation and aid in a baby’s appropriate growth and development. Along with keeping the infant warm, it can also aid digestion, promote better sleep, strengthen bones and muscles, and provide necessary nutrients and moisture to the baby’s skin, which can also be done with help from extra clean baby wipes.
the temperature starts to drop, it becomes a cause of concern for mothers as a
baby’s immune system is still developing, and she fears that the baby will be
vulnerable to colds and illnesses. All you want to do during the winter season
is stay cozy by keeping yourself warm inside the house.
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