12 Tips To Keep Baby Healthy Through Weather Changes

Changes in the weather bring challenges in the form of allergies and infections that affect your baby's health. Follow these safety precautions to keep your child safe throughout the year when the weather changes. The 3 major weather changes are - Summer, Rainy and Winter. Keep your baby safe in the summer by following these steps So sweaty, dehydrated and in unbearable heat, you cannot sit without changing a few habits. Manage the wardrobe As a change of season approaches, we pack our last seasonal clothes and fill our wardrobe with the clothes we will be wearing this season. Be extra careful when choosing your baby's clothes. They should be loose-fitting, comfortable and made of light cotton. Outdoor precautions for the baby Sun protection is necessary. There are plenty of safe sun protection formulas for babies. You should keep your baby away from direct sunlight and sweat, especially during the middle of the day when the sun is scorching, use Baby Refreshing Wipes . In t...